Thursday, 16 October 2014


My video will be intirely preformance based and include no narrative, the reasoning for this is because I believe I will be able to achieve a much higher quality of video if I was to create a preformanced based video rather than a narrative. This is due to me having a much clearer image of what I want to create for a preformanced video compared to a abstract or narritve. Most of my filming will be outdoors, this is because filming outdoors requires very little set-up allowing me to have much more time filming rather than perparing. whereas with filming inisde requires alot of preparation before you can begin, this is because inside there is no natural light so artificial light is required and this can often take a while to set it to the right brightness. All of my filming will be done in public areas as this does not require any location permission. I will use a varitey of shot types but the most common type being close-ups and two shots, the reasons I will use two shots so regularly is because I will be using two actors for my music video preformance and they will often need to lip syncing together.

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