Monday, 2 February 2015

Creating my digipak

The first step for the construction of my digipak was to take the images. I took many vareity of shots so that when it came to selct my pannels I had a vast choice of images and so this allowed me not necasserly to choose my favourites but those that showed a ranged of shot types and work well as a combination.

the next stage was to load them all up onto photoshop and crop them, the reason I had to crop the image was becasue when I came to resizing the image proportion would have been off, it also allowed me to get rid of any areas I didnt want and focus the veiwers onto specific pieces an example of this is the artist as they are the main focus of all of the images.

I then deicded to adjust the lighting and contrast in each of the photos as many ofthe images came out with poor quality colouring and lighting, I chose to lower the lighting and increase the contrast as the lighting was far too bright whilst the colour was very weak for the images.

I then began to focus on my front cover, I decided to use the same font as i used in my magazine advert as this would help to establish a theme. I selected whitew for the font colour as the background was dark and so this would help it to stand out, added a few effects to the font as it did not seem to fit firstly Ilowered the opacity which made the text slighty transparent this made it difficult to read so then I applied a drop shadow which made the text bolder and much clearer.

I added several other layers to my front cover, I added a paerental advisory logo as this is common to see on front covers of album especially for age restriceted media. I also used the same font font for the album title "Primetime" and this was also in bold white.

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