Throughout construction of all three of my ancillary I found myself using photoshop. photoshop Is a image editing programme that is used to add effects and overall improve image quality, I belive that all of my ancilery texts benefitted from using photoshop.
I decided to create my own recorde label logo as I wanted to create a whole new image for this new indie rock group that my video was for. Firstly I decided on the name for the label "Dream Beat Music" I then went onto google and searched for images that were related to the name.

I then beagn to remove the background, i did this by u8signthe magic wand tool and selecting the black areas, as I did not want to delet this section I changed this to select inverese so everything else was highlighted and then I deleted.

The next step was for me to remove the text in the bottom corner from the image, I did this by simply using the brush tool and going over the text in black.
The next stage was to add the name of the label but before I could do that i had to change the position of the girl as this was too high up and took up to much space. I once agian used the magic wand tool to select the girl and then I used free ttransform which allowed me to resize and postion
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